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South Lee School is required to provide the following information:

Also available on request are the following policies:

Accessibility Policy and Plan
Anti Bribery Policy
Arrangements When Parents are Divorced or Separated
Assessment for Learning Policy
CCTV Policy
Code of Conduct for Staff
Curriculum Plan
Digital Devices Guidelines for Parents
Disability Policy
e-Safety Policy
EYFS Curriculum and Supervision
Food and Catering Policy
Intimate Care Policy
More Able Children Policy
Physical Restraint and Use of Reasonable Force
Sanctions Supplementary Guidance
School Trips Policy
Searching and Confiscation Policy
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development and British Values Policy
Subject Access Request Form
Subject Access Request Policy
Sun Protection Policy
Taking, Storing and Using Images of Children Policy
Teaching and Learning Guidance
Terms and Conditions
Use of Mobile Phones Policy
Visiting Speakers Policy


For a copy of our latest inspection reports please click here.


Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report 2021

EYR Inspection Report EIF

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