South Lee Prep School & Nursery
Bury St Edmunds

South Lee Pre-Prep is a happy, friendly and nurturing environment. We aim to help each individual to thrive both academically and socially. We believe that every child should feel confident, happy, secure and valued.
Children transitioning from our Early Years, move effortlessly into the more structured learning environment of the Pre-Prep. Here, key focus is on the development in English and Maths, which has already started in the EYFS. In addition, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum going beyond the National Curriculum to include Geography, History, Science, ICT, French, Art, Design, Music, Religious Studies, PE and PSHEE.
We provide a supportive and secure environment in which each child can flourish, learn at their own pace and in their own individual way. Class sizes are a maximum of 16 pupils. Each class has their own class teacher and teaching assistant.
The majority of the lessons are taught by the class teacher, but ICT, Music, PE, and French are all taught by specialist teachers. We stimulate and encourage children’s development and enjoyment of learning through a variety of different teaching styles and the curriculum is deliberately broad so pupils are learning to develop skills as well as knowledge.
Our superb learning support team work alongside the class teacher to monitor each child’s progress to ensure they are achieving their full potential.
The teachers in Pre-Prep are always happy to discuss your child’s progress and are keen to know about any concerns or celebrations that you have. Our aim is always to work together to support your child in the best way we can.
We look forward to meeting you!

Children can enrol in our Reception classes in September after turning four. With small class sizes, we establish a supportive, stimulating, and creative learning environment.
Throughout Reception, children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage programme, emphasizing learning through play, communication and language, numeracy, and the initiation of their reading and writing journey.
Our teaching and learning approach isn't constrained by the Common Entrance Syllabus or the National Curriculum.
This freedom allows us to personalise our educational provision, tailoring it to the unique needs of our pupils. Essentially, we can prepare our pupils for real-life experiences through our teaching methods, equipping them with practical skills and knowledge that extend beyond the classroom.

Pastoral Care
We foster an environment where children are encouraged to openly and honestly communicate, addressing any challenges or concerns with both their peers and the faculty.
Each child is assigned a tutor, ensuring regular and personalised support. With a diverse student body, we aim for every child, regardless of their abilities, to feel appreciated and nurtured, reflecting the essence of our mission.