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Theology, Philosophy & Religion

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Theology, Philosophy & Religion Curriculum

The study of Theology, Philosophy, and Religion (TPR) offers children a platform to contemplate life's profound enquiries and examine the responses provided by people from diverse religious backgrounds over the centuries. Even from their earliest years, children exhibit a natural curiosity about matters related to life, death, and faith. TPR equips them with a new lexicon through which they can articulate, engage in discussions, and refine their perspectives.

At South Lee Prep School, our TPR program is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Foster Reflective Understanding of Values: TPR nurtures a reflective understanding of values among children. It encourages them to think critically and comprehend the moral values that underpin their choices.

  2. Elicit Thought-Provoking Questions About Life's Meaning: TPR prompts children to pose challenging questions about the purpose of existence and equips them with the language and opportunity to delve into these inquiries.

  3. Promote Respect for Diverse Perspectives: TPR instils in children an appreciation for differing viewpoints and encourages them to respect one another. It cultivates kindness and a genuine interest in the beliefs held by others, emphasising religion as a vital means of expressing and comprehending human experiences.

  4. Facilitate Exploration of Personal Identity and Belonging: TPR provides a platform for children to explore their own sense of identity and their place in the world.

  5. Enhance Understanding of the Contemporary World: TPR aids children in grasping the complexities of the world they inhabit.

  6. Cultivate a Range of Learning Skills: Beyond philosophical thought, TPR cultivates various essential skills, including decision-making, collaborative work, independent learning, the art of compromise, and effective conflict resolution. It equips pupils with the ability to engage in meaningful dialogue, interpret diverse perspectives, and analyse within a coherent context.

Year 1

Key Skills Include: 

  • Grasp and respond to religious narratives

  • Engage in conversations about special objects, places, individuals, and celebrations

  • Comprehend basic religious terminology

  • Identify certain religious symbols

  • Familiarity with key Christian tenets

  • Cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world

  • Develop an awareness of ethical principles

  • Express the significance of things in their lives, even drawing parallels between their experiences and characters in religious stories

  • Pose a variety of questions regarding perplexing aspects of life and offer potential answers

Topics Include:

  • Christianity

  • Places of Worship

  • Harvest Festival

  • Christmas Celebration

  • Parables and Stories of Jesus

  • The Last Supper

Year 2

Key Skills Include:

  • Comprehend and respond to religious narratives

  • Engage in discussions about special objects, places, individuals, and festivities

  • Acquire basic religious vocabulary

  • Recognise certain religious symbols

  • Familiarity with fundamental Christian doctrines

  • Foster a sense of curiosity and fascination with the world

  • Develop ethical discernment

  • Articulate the importance of things in their lives, occasionally drawing connections between their experiences and characters in religious narratives

  • Pose enquiries regarding perplexing facets of life and propose plausible explanations

Topics Include:

  • Christianity

  • The Early Life of Jesus

  • Parables of Jesus

  • Exploring Miracles

  • Introduction to Hinduism and Buddhism

Year 3

Key Skills Include:

  • Scrutinise the rationales behind occurrences in religious tales and explore the emotions of the characters

  • Relate religious narratives to their own experiences and emotions

  • Discuss and expound upon significant religious concepts from stories, as well as foundational religious beliefs, teachings, and events

  • Describe religious figures using religious terminology

  • Pose queries that lack universally accepted answers and offer potential solutions, including those rooted in religion

  • Recognise the existence of diverse viewpoints and beliefs, treating all with respect

  • Discern the repercussions of actions on others

Topics Include:

  • Hinduism and the Nativity

  • Islam and Easter

  • Sikhism and Judaism

Year 4

Key Skills Include:

  • Delve into the reasons behind occurrences in religious narratives and discuss the emotions experienced by the characters.

  • Establish connections between religious stories and their own personal experiences and emotions.

  • Engage in discussions to describe key religious concepts derived from narratives, alongside fundamental religious beliefs, teachings, and events.

  • Employ religious terminology to depict certain religious figures.

  • Pose enquiries that lack universally accepted answers, providing potential solutions, including those rooted in religious understanding.

  • Acknowledge the presence of diverse opinions and beliefs, treating all viewpoints with respect.

  • Recognise the impact of actions on others and comprehend that personal beliefs and experiences can influence their attitudes and actions.

Topics Include:

  • Buddhism and Christianity

  • People of Faith and Food & Fasting

  • Pilgrimage and Bible

Year 5

Key Skills Include:

  • Engage in discussions concerning the significance of certain religious beliefs, practices, teachings, and events for members of faith communities.

  • Pose questions and offer personal answers regarding the significant experiences of others, including religious adherents.

  • Elaborate on their own ideas and beliefs in relation to various ultimate questions, elucidating the sources of inspiration and influence.

  • Demonstrate respect for differing opinions and beliefs, treating all viewpoints with reverence.

  • Compare and contrast diverse religious beliefs, practices, and viewpoints.

Topics Include:

  • Expressions of Faith

  • Faith in Action

  • Pilgrimage

Year 6

Key Skills Include:

  • Cultivate an understanding of and tolerance for the beliefs and opinions of others.

  • Pose questions and provide personal responses regarding the significant experiences of others, including religious adherents.

  • Elaborate on their own ideas and beliefs in connection to a range of ultimate questions, explaining the disparities between their own perspectives and those of others.

  • Articulate their own values and commitments while considering the values and commitments of others in light of their learning.

  • Discuss the practices and lifestyles involved in belonging to a faith community.

Topics Include:

  • Living a Faith – Christian and Buddhist beliefs and practices

  • Ideas about God: One God, Many gods, no gods

  • Easter and Pentecost

Year 7 & 8

Key Skills Include:

  • Establish connections between the content of passages and contemporary issues.

  • Express opinions about religious narratives, beliefs, and practices.

  • Employ religious texts to help address ultimate questions.

  • Contemplate and discuss the influence of religious beliefs, values, and traditions.

  • Examine and discuss religious and other responses to moral inquiries.

  • Utilise specialised religious terminology in discussions and debates.

  • Describe, analyse, and elucidate the relevance and application of religious concepts and practices, as well as issues stemming from the study of religion and foundational texts.

  • Formulate written arguments that demonstrate an understanding of diverse opinions and lead to conclusions.

  • Offer reasons and examples, including those rooted in religious understanding, to support expressed opinions.

Year 7 Topics Include:

  • God's Relationship with the World

  • Human Responses to God

  • Christian Practices and Ceremonies

Year 8 Topics Include:

  • Philosophy

  • Ethics

  • The New Testament

  • Theology – God’s Relationship with the World

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