South Lee Prep School & Nursery
Bury St Edmunds

Spanish Curriculum
Learning a language enables children to develop an awareness and appreciation of other cultures and the study of a foreign tongue gives them the main tool to experience these cultures at a much deeper and more enriching level. Our aim is to help children develop their confidence in communicating using their skills in and out of the classroom. At South Lee Prep School, children are currently studying Spanish in Year 7 and 8 with the aim to achieve a level of fluency on topic areas of personal interest to them.
Year 7
Greetings and goodbyes
Asking and responding to the question “How are you?”
Giving and asking for personal information (name, where live, age, where you come from, birthday)
Days of the week, months of the year, dates
Numbers 1 – 100
Classroom objects
Character description
Physical description
Present tense of common verbs of yo/él, ella/ellos,ellas (ser, tener, llamarse)
Singular and plural formation
Adjectival agreement singular/plural/masculine/feminine
Definite and indefinite articles
Expressing likes and dislikes (back-to-front verbs: me gusta, me encanta, no me importa …)
Year 8
Numbers 1 – 1,000,000
Spanish-speaking countries
European countries and their capitals
Time expressions
Express opinions and give reasons
Buildings/facilities in town
Positive and negative aspects about my region
Daily routine
The time
Present tense formation (regular and most common irregular verbs: ir, tener, ser, jugar)
Adjectival agreement (adjectives ending in -o, -e, or a consonant)
Plural formation
Express likes and dislikes for different persons (A mi hermano le encanta)
Introduction to reflexive verbs in the present tense
Introduction to more complex sentences (Lo bueno/malo es que …)
Contribution to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural
Giving children an understanding and appreciation of life in other countries
Helping children learn to communicate with people in other parts of the world
Teaching children to work collaboratively
Developing children’s wonder and sensitivity to the variety in the world
Developing children’s listening skills