South Lee Prep School & Nursery
Bury St Edmunds

The PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) Curriculum plays a central role in facilitating the holistic development of children at South Lee Prep School. It focuses on nurturing their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural skills, equipping them for a fulfilling and independent life. PSHEE is seamlessly integrated into the entire school curriculum and intricately connected to all aspects of South Lee Prep School's educational environment.
The school's environment, ethos, and relationships exert a profound influence on shaping children's values and attitudes. Consequently, the PSHEE curriculum and the pastoral aspects of school life are closely intertwined at every opportunity. Our adaptable PSHEE curriculum allows us to address and discuss any pastoral issues that may arise during subsequent formal PSHEE lessons.
At South Lee, our goal is to cater to the developmental needs of all our pupils, fostering their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural skills.
The PSHEE curriculum strives to instill qualities such as self-esteem, responsibility, autonomy, ownership, independence, cooperation, self-respect, and respect for others. In this regard, the language, relationships, and communication within the classroom and throughout the school play a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness of the PSHEE curriculum.
We place a significant emphasis on pastoral care at South Lee Prep School, with a whole-school approach. This approach seamlessly integrates with the PSHEE curriculum, providing flexibility to proactively address curriculum content and delivery, as well as reactively respond to issues of significance to the children at any given time.
Year 1
Michaelmas Term
Safety Awareness Program
Starting Anew
Celebrating Our Uniqueness
Cyber Safety
Embracing British Values
Lent Term
Safety Awareness Program
Interacting with Others
Making Sound Choices
Summer Term
People Who Assist Us
Understanding Right and Wrong
Recognizing Similarities and Differences
Health and Well-being
Year 2
Michaelmas Term
Safety Awareness Program
New Beginnings
Learning Rules
Nurturing Friendships
Exploring Relationships
Embracing British Values
Lent Term
Safety Awareness Program
The Value of Friendship
Considering My Actions
Summer Term
Caring for Our Environment
Staying Safe at Home and School
Focusing on Health and Well-being
Year 3
Michaelmas Term
Safety Awareness Program
Celebrating My Uniqueness
Setting Personal Goals
Cyber Safety
Positive Mindset
Understanding Rules and Responsibilities
Embracing British Values
Lent Term
Safety Awareness Program
New Year's Resolutions
Exploring Democracy and Lawmaking
Safety Inside and Outside School
Summer Term
Honoring Rules and Loyalty
Fostering Cooperation and Friendship
Promoting Equality
Preparing for Transition
Prioritizing Health and Well-being
Year 4
Michaelmas Term
Managing Risk and Change (Decision-Making and Safety)
Embracing Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
Recognizing Rights and Responsibilities
Safety Awareness Program
Lent Term
Personal Safety
Embracing Individuality
Understanding the Importance of Safety Rules and Reporting
Identifying Deceptive Practices and Risks
Assessing Personal Safety in the School and Local Environment
Citizenship: Exploring Concepts of Right and Wrong, Fairness, Sharing, and Personal Honesty
Summer Term
Road Safety Review
Safety in Risky Situations
First Aid Training
Community Engagement in the Wider World
Citizenship: Kindness, Anti-Bullying, Reflecting on Year 4
Year 5
Michaelmas Term
New Beginnings
Collaboration and Building Relationships
Nurturing Friendships
Enhancing Listening and Communication Skills
Reading Body Language
Developing Group Work Skills
Promoting Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
Addressing Bullying
Personal Hygiene
First Aid Training
Safety Awareness Program
Lent Term
Self-Reflection and Self-Perception
Understanding Rights and Responsibilities in Decision-Making
Discovering Personal Qualities
Setting Realistic Goals
Global Citizenship
Being a Responsible Global Citizen
Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Exploring Global Citizenship
Summer Term
Citizenship Education
Rules and Rights
Basic Human Rights
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children
Discussing Exploitation
Community Engagement
Roles Within the Community
Addressing Anti-Social Behavior
Year 6
Michaelmas Term
Promoting Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
Drug Awareness
Understanding Substances
Social, Legal, and Illegal Drug Categories
Resisting Stereotypes of Drug Users
Managing Peer Pressure
Exploring Healthy and Safer Lifestyles (Part 2)
Law and Substance Use
Visit from Educational Bus
Safety Awareness Program
Lent Term
Citizenship Education
Self-Understanding and Values
Respecting Diverse Perspectives
Parental Rights and Responsibilities (Handling Conflict)
Emotional Well-being
Self-esteem and Body Image
Global Citizenship: Diversity and Appreciating Differences
Economic Well-being: Financial Literacy, Budgeting, Needs vs. Wants, Salary, and Deductions
Understanding the Role of Charities
Summer Term
Citizenship Education
Addressing Local Community Issues
Participating in Local Community Projects
Promoting Healthy and Safer Lifestyles
Sex Education
Year 7
Michaelmas Term
Self-awareness and Interpersonal Skills
Assertive Responses in Group Settings
Taking Responsibility for Actions
Understanding Consequences
Promoting Healthy and Safer Lifestyles: Smoking
Safety Awareness Program
Lent Term
Promoting Healthy and Safer Lifestyles: Balanced Diet and Food Choices
Citizenship and Global Environmental Issues
Research Projects on Chosen Topics
Economic Well-being and Career Development
Enhancing Personal Financial Literacy
Summer Term
Exploring Interpersonal Relationships
Global Citizenship: Embracing Diversity and Combating Stereotypes
Addressing Race Equality and Cultural Diversity
Combatting Discrimination
Tackling Bullying: Impact on Victims, Reasons for Bullying, Collective Approaches to Bullying, Available Resources
Year 8
Michaelmas Term
Buddy System and Time Management
Active Listening Skills
Sex and Relationships Education
Managing Change and Building Positive Relationships
Puberty and Physical Changes
Safety Awareness Program
Lent Term
Promoting Healthy and Safer Lifestyles: Drugs and Alcohol
Relationships: Personal Boundaries
Citizenship: Parliament and Democracy, Global Citizenship, Interactive Forums
Relationships: Loyalty
Summer Term
Charitable Initiatives
First Aid Training
Health and Sun Protection
Economic Well-being and Career Development
Personal Financial Literacy
Leavers Program
Relationship and Sex Education
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is a continuous journey of learning about sexuality, emotions, and fostering healthy relationships throughout one's life. The primary goal of RSE is to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding needed to make responsible and informed decisions about their lives. It serves as a vital support system for young people as they navigate their physical, emotional, and moral development, fostering respect for both themselves and others as they progress from childhood through adolescence into adulthood. Importantly, RSE is not a standalone subject; it is an integral part of both the Science and Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE) curriculum.
Rather than promoting early sexual experimentation, effective RSE empowers children to build confidence, develop self-esteem, and comprehend the reasons for delaying sexual activity. During RSE sessions, children are provided with opportunities to engage in gender-specific groups, creating a safe space for them to ask questions they might feel uncomfortable discussing in a larger group setting. Additionally, a sealed question box is available, allowing pupils to submit anonymous questions. Teachers are committed to addressing all reasonable and appropriate questions.
The content and focus of the Relationship and Sex Education curriculum are adjusted annually to align with the evolving needs of the children, ensuring it remains relevant and responsive to their development.
Whole School Staying Safe Programme
This section of our curriculum is presented separately, highlighting its significance in promoting safety, including Child Protection. Special attention is dedicated to fostering responsible technology use, which is integrated wherever possible, including dedicated lessons in ICT and Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE). We regularly address issues related to cyberbullying, both through classroom discussions and during the periodic review of safety protocols and networks each term. This section encompasses our comprehensive approach to staying safe across the entire school.
The goal of this unit within the PSHEE program is to equip children with the knowledge, understanding, and skills required to ensure their safety. It is based on the Personal Development Program recommended by the NSPCC, as endorsed by Cambridgeshire County Council. The curriculum employs various teaching methods such as role-play, storytelling, and group discussions. The teacher serves as a facilitator, guiding the lesson and ensuring key teaching points are covered, with input and ideas actively encouraged from the children. Themes related to personal safety also permeate other areas of the PSHEE Curriculum, such as Drugs Education and Sex and Relationship Education.
Certain aspects of the Staying Safe curriculum, including topics like 'Worries' and Internet Safety, receive formal revisits every term. However, they are also seamlessly integrated into all our PSHEE activities informally.
The Safety Circle serves as the foundation for our approach to Personal Safety and is revisited every term. It is a pivotal activity in which all children participate, identifying and recording trusted adults to whom they can turn for help or reassurance when they have concerns. The curriculum also fosters discussions about what will happen to these worries after they have been shared with an adult. It's crucial for children to understand that adults have a duty to protect them, which may involve sharing information with parents, the Head, or, in some cases, external agencies to ensure their safety. Revisiting this circle each term serves two main purposes: it reinforces that we care about their concerns, whatever they may be, and it emphasises the importance of addressing any worries they may have. Additionally, it allows children to review their choice of adults in their safety circle/network, should they wish to make changes. Importantly, children should never feel pressured to include adults whom we, as adults, consider obvious choices (e.g., a parent or teacher). In some situations, a child may need to seek help from an unfamiliar adult, underscoring the importance of not making children fearful of all strangers but enabling them to identify the safest way to seek assistance when necessary.
The remaining components of the Staying Safe curriculum are organised under these themes:
All About Me
Taking Care of Myself
Being Safe While Out and About
Understanding Bullying and Cyberbullying
Secrets and the Importance of Sharing
For further details regarding the Staying Safe curriculum, please feel free to request more information from the school office.